
Allows township tale
Allows township tale

  • Do not discuss or share links to anything containing or regarding piracy, hacking, account sharing, etc.
  • Personal buying/selling/begging is not permitted, as well as affiliate links to any site.
  • No buying/selling, begging, crowdfunding, or affiliate links.
  • Please use the new user thread for quick questions, purchasing advice & other one-off questions.
  • allows township tale

    Low effort Memes/Reaction images or gifs.Requests - including friend requests, looking-for-group requests, account sharing, etc.Showing off posts - Purchases, tracking information screenshots & low effort unboxing photos.Posts must be on-topic and relevant to the Oculus Quest or r/OculusQuest.Posts must be about or related to the Oculus Quest and must not be low effort.Keep the discussion civil or your post/comment may be removed.ĭon't instigate drama or troll.No personal attacks, disrespectful language, drama, or trolling.

    allows township tale

    Welcome to /r/OculusQuest, the place to discuss the Meta/Oculus Quest and Quest 2.

    Allows township tale